As per one research paper human being can remember up to 80% what they see so here I go.....
I am not a good photographer but I am passionately pursuing photography as a hobby. because of my work profile I am traveling to various places and it is giving me a chance to capture many things.
Here are the two different photographs from two different place (One is somewhere in Africa and another is from somewhere in India). Have look and leave your comments. (what you feel about it, what are the similarities, etc)
Based on the responses I will get, I can share few more photographs.
Excellent knack you have got.. You need to post more often..!!
Await your next post..!!
Lot of hunger but no food to eat,
No spare clothes to change after bath,
A need for shelter but not having one,
Suffering from illness but can not buy treatment,
Fainting of hunger and dreaming for a mouthful of rice,
Searching warmth in cold flesh in winter nights,
Two mouthful of rice and three children,
Is all I can think of after looking at these images....I can think of only one thing that is-poverty
@ Bwana Anonymous: Thanks and will soon post few more
@ Mayuri: I appreciate your writing skill, you should consider poem writing seriously.
yeah Hunger and Poverty are the major concerns for both Asia and Africa but how many of us are seriously doing something for these poor Kiddos??
For me, these photographs reflect innocence, purity, gentleness, curiosity and fearless attitude
@ Jalay : Taking poem writing seriously ..yes some day I will..and I do agree that something needs to be done for these kids...just wrting about it wont be of use.....
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